How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server

  1. How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server Files
  2. How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server Settings
  3. How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server Multiplayer
  • Create a folder for SteamCMD. Such as 'C:steamcmd'.
  • Download SteamCMD and extract to the folder you just created.
  • Make a Garrysmod folder within the steamcmd folder. You can just call it gmod.
  • Open a command prompt and enter the following commands.

Or with one command. You can also save this as a script for easy updating.


How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server Files

Net64 is not only fun to use, it is also very simple to set up! Setup of Net64 can take 5-10 minutes, depending on how efficient you are. The first step towards setting up Net64 is making sure you have all the files you need on your computer. The first thing you will need to download is the Net64+ client, bundled with Project64 memory mod. Click on the link to visit the GitHub page. Oct 08, 2009 Prop hunt server hosting Hi i operate 3 team fortress 2 servers in Sweden and would love to dedicate one to prophunt Been searching on the net to download the plugin but cant find it. In Prop Hunt, the prop team is assigned 30 seconds (10 seconds on Shipment) to hide, in which the hunting team is 'blindfolded'. Each prop has a chance to change their prop to another random prop twice (once in Shipment) and has the ability to flash once per prop they become in order to make a getaway. All props are given Dead Silence. Download the Prop Hunt server files from github or use thisdirect link When you extract the files from step 7, you will see 2 folders, sounds and gamemodes (ignore the other files, that’s used.

#Install PropHunt

  • Download PropHunt and extract to the 'C:steamcmdgmodgarrysmodgamemodes' folder.
  • Rename it from prophunt-master to just prophunt
  • To start the server open a command prompt and type srcds.exe -game garrysmod +gamemode prophunt -autoupdate
  • Now change whatever settings you want and hit 'Start Server' button.
  • You can edit the gamemode settings in srvsteamgmodgarrysmodgamemodesprophuntgamemodeconfig.lua.

How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server Settings

  • Create a text file in your 'C:steamcmdgmod'
  • Copy the following command into the text filesrcds.exe -game garrysmod +gamemode prophunt -autoupdate
  • Rename the file prophunt.bat and just double click it.
  • Dont forget to forward the steam ports on your router to your server pc.
  • You will only have the default garrysmod maps at first, which dont have any props, so you will have to get new ones.
  • You can download your own maps from various sources and place them in the C:steamcmdgmodgarrysmodmaps folder.
  • Dont forget about the global Garrysmod server setting in C:steamcmdgmodgarrysmodcfgserver.cfg. Here is an example of a simple one.
SRB2 Prop hunt Details »»
SRB2 Prop hunt
The Developer
Version: 1.0, by Sharb
Developer Last Online: Nov 2020
Version: SRB2Rating:(1 votes - 3.40 average)
Released: 03-08-2020Last Update: NeverFavourites: 4
Multiplayer Levels SOCs Scripts Re-Useable Content Sprites/Graphics Is in Beta Stage


How good are you at hiding in plain sight?
Download here
(please read the thread)

This is a custom game mode I've been working on since 2.2 first came out to port the popular game mode from GMOD and TF2 called prop hunt.
For those who don't know what prop hunt is, prop hunt consists of two teams, one team are known as the props and can disguise themselves as props such as rings, plants and monitors. The second team has to find them and shoot them down.
the hunters have a limited number of shots they can make before they lose but hitting a prop successfully will make them drop around 10 rings to replenish your ammo, watch out though, if you run out of rings and there's no rings left in the map it's game over for you!
the props have a 100 hp at the beginning of each match, a single hit with no defense will destroy you immediately but if you can find a large prop you'll be given additional defense for how many hits you can take before you hit 0, but watch out, your speed will drop depending on how strong the prop is.
Everyone has the same physics and game play, essentially making player characters purely cosmetic, as such prop hunt has it's own sub skin system for the hunters, to select a skin press next or previous weapon to cycle through them on the match starting screen. Currently only Mario and Doom guy are available
Prop hunt includes a number of sound clips for props to use to tease hunters, every time a prop taunts they emit a noise and gain a point, like with sub skins pressing next weapon and previous weapon will change what sound plays, however these can only be played once the match starts.
BE CAREFUL! there's a taunt timer that's counting down and if it hits 0 you'll be forced to taunt so you better make sure you're on a short clip!
Press fire to manually taunt.
This game mode includes several maps, some ported and some completely new.
These maps include
  • Green Flower Zone 1
  • Zim's Base
  • Desolate Twilight
  • Prophunt Prehistoric (Created by Sheepy Tina)
  • Dream Hill
  • Special Stage 3
  • Twinkle Snow (Created by me)
  • Spectator Lounge (Created by me)
  • Vessel Vendetta (Created by Fickle)
  • Prop warehouse (Created by me)
WAITTIME [time] - sets the number of seconds before the match begins
MATCHTIME [time] - sets how many minutes the hunters have to find the props
MESSAGE [text] - a fun command for the admin to use, sends a customized message to all players in the server
TAUNTTIME [time] - time in seconds before the props can taunt, setting to 0 will disable the timer

Please keep in mind this is an early release, there may be some bugs I haven't caught, there's still a tonne of maps that need to be finished, extra sub skins and I need to create a guide for creating sub skins.
Any feed back is greatly appreciated and I encourage suggestions.
Sharb - Programmer, map designer, graphic artist
Arrietty - map designer, play tester
Fluxu - play testing
Slime - play testing
VAdaPEGA - Sound, play testingBlear - play testing
Dragon Wolf Leo - play testing
special thanks
note: if you want to make your own prop mad you will need to have the spectator lounge located at coordinants 3000, 3000 (make sure that spot specifically is an open area) although nothing is stopping you from making your own area. Make sure your TypeOfLevel is set to 'Prophunt'

Download Now

VML_PropHunt-v1.0.pk3 (15.31 MB, 1583 views) (8.4 KB, 689 views)


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How To Make A Private Prop Hunt Server Multiplayer
