Matrix Astrology Software Downloads Free

ZET Lite is a free astrology software for professional astrologers and a useful one for astrology students. It has a nice interface and almost all the required features to make a good astrological software. The most fascinating feature is the sky or space tablue. Astrology Blogs Interviews Ask Astrology Astro Dialogues Find an Astrologer Astro Links Book Reviews Articles Celebrity Search Astro.Talk Bulletin: Free Stuff Fun Things to Do Celebrity Search Free Desktops Learn Astrology Astro Links Monthly Planets Today's Chart: Tech Support Matrix Customers Quick Fixes On Sale Now Matrix Software List.

Why Free Software?

I rely on free and open source software options as much as possible in my work. Free software has a very beneficial and democratizing effect on the practice of astrology. I prefer free software for the site because it allows readers of any income level to replicate my charts and tables. Furthermore, there is a wealth of free birth data online, particularly on Astrodatabank. Access to free software allows for easy chart-calculation to test out techniques against a wider range of data than I can present in an article.

What is Morinus?

As readers of the blog will know, my favorite free software program is Morinus. I have used the Traditional Morinus for the examples in almost all blog posts, and I’ve discussed using it in previous posts in this series.

Morinus is not just free astrology software, it is great astrology software. It will allow you to do many things that even some of the more costly programs won’t do. For instance, I can have a wheel in which the terms of the signs, the 7 hermetic lots of Paulus Alexandrinus, and the twelfth-parts of the planets are all immediately visible. I also have quick access to primary directions and zodiacal releasing information.

Importantly, Morinus is open source, so it is truly “the community’s software”. Members of the community with coding experience are free to check out the source code and adapt it to meet their needs. They can develop their own “versions” of the program which expand upon it. In this sense, the developers (thanks Robert!) have given the astrological community a truly valuable gift. We’d be fools to pass it up for commercial products with less community potential.

Check out this post for more information on Morinus and free software in general, and this post on how to calculate primary directions with Morinus.


Over a year ago, in early 2014, a new version of Morinus emerged specifically tailored to Hellenistic astrology. It is called “Valens“, after the 2nd-century Hellenistic astrologer Vettius Valens. Valens was inspired by Chris Brennan’s course on Hellenistic astrology, in which some of Valens’ timing techniques, especially Zodiacal Releasing, figure prominently. In addition to the inclusion of Zodiacal Releasing, this version of Morinus also features the ability to easily insert the prenatal syzygy, the 7 hermetic lots (a lot for each planet as discussed by Paulus Alexandrinus and sourced from an early text attributed to Hermes), and the twelfth-parts of the planets into the chart.

After trying out the software, I firmly believe it is the best yet for Hellenistic techniques, and will serve readers well as they read the posts on this blog.

You can download the software here (for Windows scroll to the bottom of the page and download the Follow the installation instructions that you find on that page, as there is one additional step after you unzip the zip file (you will need to install the “Valens” font, located in the “Res” folder, by double-clicking it, or the chart will have letters in place of symbols).

A Few Optimizations

If you want your charts to look like the ones on this blog, here are a few tips. Before you’re begin, hold SHIFT and press U, so that your options will be saved automatically.

First, right click on the chart and choose “B&W” to make your chart black and white. I prefer the clean look of a black and white chart. Of course, this is a personal preference that does not impact practice. Unfortunately, Valens does not save the color setting so it may revert back to color when you reopen.

Secondly, you’ll want to set the Moon’s node to the “true node”, which you can do by holding the SHIFT key and pressing ‘W’.

Thirdly, get rid of any quadrant divisions if there are any by holding SHIFT and pressing F1.

Finally, let’s go into the appearance options (Appearance from the Options menu or hold SHIFT and press ‘A’). For typical use, I would set my appearance options as shown in the table below, as I do like to see the two main Hellenistic lots (Fortune/Moon and Spirit/Sun – click for more information on the Hellenistic lots) as well as the prenatal syzygy, and the twelfth-parts (click for more information about the twelfth-parts). I don’t use the hermetic lots of the planets all that much so I leave them unchecked. I also find the round chart more intuitive and easy to read, so I choose that over the square (Hellenistic) chart.

You should end up with a chart that resembles the one below:

A Few Bugs to Work Out

As of this writing, Valens still lacks a few of the features that are found in traditional Morinus. For instance, you cannot save a chart and instead must manually use screen-capturing software (or the PrtScn button). Ideally, this should be fixed in the near future.

As I use both Morinus and Valens, an optimal solution would be to port the extra Hellenistic astrology features found in Valens into the generally more feature-rich Morinus. In this way, we can just enjoy (and the programmers can just maintain) one program that does everything we need. However, I’m not a programmer and both programs are free so I really can’t complain. For now, I’ll just keep using both Morinus and Valens together.

More Information

For more information on how to use Valens, please see the documentation on the site for the software. Additionally, check out the other articles on this site which explore specific techniques, such as lots and primary directions.

I hope you’ll start turning to the Valens program as the first one that you use to pull up charts. Please spread the word!

Computer Astrology software, free download

Best astrology softwares :- Since the onset of technology, computers have made our lives much much simpler. We can now carry out complicated tasks and calculations right on our computer without wasting too much time, which comes in very handy. The way in which computers have replaced desK executives and record keepers, similarly astrology has also been incorporated into computer programs.

When you think about astrology, you might think about future tellers, psychics and mainly all types of imposters, but astrology in itself is a science that involves complicated mathematical calculations based on astrological positions of various planets and stars at that given point in time. There are many ways to deduce conclusions using astrology and all of them have been used all over the world by various astrologers for centuries. Before the introduction computers, astrologers were used to calculating huge numbers and other data for hours and maybe even days to get the right kind of prediction.

Now a days, these tiresome calculations can be processed within seconds by your laptop. All you need is the appropriate software and the right type of data. Softwares now a days are designed to be simple and easy to use, and astrology softwares are no different. If you are familiar with technical terms of astrology you might be able to start predicting with your software right out of the box.

Below is a list of softwares used and trusted worldwide by many different people in the same profession. These softwares are reliable and their algorithms are based on original astrological texts and formulas, which will help you predict and study astrological events accordingly.

The full version of these softwares is paid, and you will have to shell out some money from your pocket in order to use the software as long as you want. But all of them offer either a trial version for a set period of time or they provide a demo version with limited capabilities. You can test the softwares using demo or trial version and then plan on investing your hard earned money accordingly.

1- Kundali Chakra 2012 (Pro Edition)

Kundali Chakra is a long running astrology software trusted by many professionals, all over the world. The software is full of features and customizable options that can help you deliver professional predictions at the click of a button. The software is updated regularly and bugs are fix as soon as possible. The last major update seen by the software was Feb 2015 which brought many new and exciting features to an already successful software.

Kundali Chakra has the following features

– Horoscope – Ability to predict and calculate horoscopes of users based on birth information and other data.

– Match Making – Ability to analyze the astrological predictions of two people and calculate their compatibility and predict their future together.

– K.P system – The K.P system of astrological predictions

– S.P.S system – S.P.S system of astrological predictions.

– Numerology (predictions ) – The software also has a built in engine to predict future based on numerological predictions, attained through the data provided by the user.

– Numerology (Match Making) – The same numerological engine in the software can also calculate the compatibility of two users , with each other, based on the numerological data provided by you.

– Transit Study – The software comes bundled with amazing animations and a powerful engine , that can help you predict and track the future movements of different stars and planets.

– NaamKaran (Vedic Method) – This part of the software will help you pick appropriate and lucky baby names depending on the time , date of birtH and other important data.

– NaamKaran (Western Method) – This part of the software will also help you pick out baby names, but based on the techniques and methods followed by the western civilizations.

– Detailed Predictions – These include Lagna, Tatwa, Planet, Nakshatra, Nature, Financial, Love and many other areas as well. The software can provide you with detailed predictions across all these matters.

– Longitude and latitude data of over 2.5 lakh locations

This means that you don’t need an atlas separately For your predictions, you can use the built in data of 2.5 lakh cities, and if needed the built in atlas, to give appropriate future predictions.

– Muhurata Analysis – That is right. You can use Kundali Chakra Pro to get your own muhurata analysis of every minute in real time. You can also define your own muhurata and nakshatras, for better accuracy and custom predictions.

– Bio Rhythmic Charts – The software provides you with easy analysis of all bio rhythms, including the I-ching, Primary and secondary rhythms, and provides you with a detailed graph as well.

Apart from these, the software allows you to create and maintain backups, design and print your reports and has many many more features that will help a professional and beginner alike. All in all Kundali Chakra 2012 Pro edition is one of the best astrology softwares out there and should be the go to choice of every professional.

2- Solar Fire Gold

This is another great astrological software out there for calculated predictions and reports. Solar Fire Gold comes packed with all the standard features of any astrological software, and includes an astrological calendar and a superior predictive algorithm, as advertised by its makers. The calculations and methods used to predict the future in this software are claimed to be more accurate and professional if compared to its competitors, as is claimed by the manufacturer of the software.

Some of the main features that make Solar Fire Gold , stand apart are

– Swiss Ephemeris Calculation System – Whenever you use the software to create transit or progress charts for a particular user, the Solar Fire gold will use the Swiss Ephemeris Calculation System To provide you with highly accurate charts that have the exact positions of all the planetary bodies and major asteroids. These charts are in correspondence to the data collected by NASA and is available for the next or previous 10000 years. This kind of data can help a professional in ways a beginner can’t even begin to imagine. Hence Solar Fire Gold becomes a great contender for the place of the best Astrological software out there.

– Create all types of charts – Solar Fire gold can help you create upto 21 different types of pre natal charts, draconic charts, tertiary charts etc. You can also chart lUnar movements for better predictions, and even create transit , natal and progressed astrological charts like every other software.

– Personalize you charts – You can use the inbuilt designer with different fonts and graphics, to print out your own personalized charts . This can come in handy if you are a professional and want to provide your customers with personalized charts of your own taste.

– Astro Maps – SolaR power gold comes bundled with a powerful prediction and calculations engine, that helps the user plant charts and ultimately make predictions. The software can also create astro maps for all your professional astrological needs. The astro maps can be created anywhere at the click of a button after providing basic necessary data to the software.

– 30 different house Systems – This kind of versatility ensures that the software can be used by all types of astrological professionals no matter what kind of knowledge he or she may possess. Campanus, Koch, porphyry, regiomonatus, topocentric, Whole Signs and Hindu Bhava are some different house systems supported by the software including many many more, for all your prediction needs.

Matrix Astrology software download, free

Solar Fire Gold is a great astrological software for all your prediction needs with many more tools and utilities for you to utilize. It is another great choice when it comes to astrological softwares.

3- Janus

Janus is another astrology software developed by Astrology house New Zealand since the 1980s and is widelY trusted by many professionals. Janus doesn’t include over the top features or stand out tools that make it a great contender , but the software is made to be reliable and stable through all your needs.

Janus is centered around medieval, horary and Uranian astrology techniques and has guides as well as tools for all three different types of techniques.

Another great feature that got Janus included in this list is the Astro Mapping utility. The astro mapping utility comes bundled with its own atlas and prediction engine that can help you find the best places in the world to do almost anything. The astro mappinG utility can show you the best places to setup your business, to meet the love of your life, best place to settle down, best place to go for a vacation, best place for investment and many many more.

This engine and algorithm can help beginners and professionals alike with their freedom.

The software can also make and calculate astrological predictions based on all three types of techniques, Medieval, Horary and Uranian. This makes the software highly versatile. Janus can use the Medieval method and you can use the included Firdaria Tables and Traditional wheel, to give an accurate prediction. The horary method includes all the houses to help you predict the future as accurately as possible. The Uranian technique, includes all the methods of Cosmobiology to help you in your calculations and predictions.


All in all Janus is a feature packed astrology software with all the basic functions of any astrology software as well. Janus is the go to choice of many professionals because of the three different techniques included in them and its simple design.

4- Keplar

This is The ideal software for all beginners and professionals that want the product to be worth every penny paid. The software is regularly updated and has a good customer support that can help you troubleshoot most of your problems and issues with the software.

Keplar has a great graphical design and user interface to make everything easily accessible.

Keplar comes bundled with all the basic tools and utilities, along with some extra ones that can help improve your experience like audio interpretations of different charts and calculations. It uses the same engine used by Solar Fire Gold, ie: Swiss Ephemeris calculation. This system includes all the data and latest positions of all planetary objects , directly from NASA. This ensures optimum accuracy in all your predictions without anything to worry about.

Keplar is a tool targeted mostly at beginners and hence includes around 47 to 50 lessons in astrology to help you improve. Even if you are beginner who knows nothing, the Keplar courses will indeed help you a lot. The lessons include different tools to help you practice, and many other utilities to help you along the way.

Apart from that, the software also includes 18000 charts and mappings of planetary bodies, exclusive to different celebrities from all around the globe, to help you practice and improve on your learnt lessons.

All in all Keplar is a great astrology software for all of you, especially if you are beginner as the software comes bundled with astrology lessons and mock data to help you practice and hone your skills.

5- AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter

AstrolDeluxe Report Writer , is another great astrology software out there developed by Halloran Software for all your astrological needs. The software is a basic bundle of al the astrology tools and utilities you could possibly need as a beginner user. The software can create different astrological charts for all your prediction needs as well as layout Astro*Carto*Graphy maps for you to study and interpret for better results.

Apart from that, another important feature that makes AstrolDeluxe Report Writer is its Report Creating engine, which is really powerful and accurate. You can provide user details and basic information to the report writer and then sit back and wait for the final result to be created. The software can also create house or any other aspect specific reports, focusing only on that aspect of your prediction, to create a more detailed outline and predictions using the given report and charts.

The software also allows you to create control groups using the already existing and collected data, to compare your results and verify them for better accuracy. This is another great feature that can help beginners and professionals alike without any hassle.

Apart from these unique features, the softwares comes with the ability to map all kinds of charts and transits for all your prediction needs. The software does not have any guide or lessons and thus can prove to be cumbersome for new users.

All in all AstrolDeluxe Report Writer is a great software and comes packed with a powerful report writer , taking away most of your work.

6- Intrepid

Intrepid is a unique astrological software. Made by Astrological Bureau of Ideas, intrepid is not your everyday astrological software. It is based on the principles of “self evident” astrology, which is a new way of interpreting astrological data, developed by the developer of the software, Jeffrey S. Close. Intrepid is avery powerful chart creation tool, that closely represents the original science of astrology.

Matrix Astrology Software Downloads Free

The new method of interpretation by the author, introduces new astrological symbols as well as methods to help improve the accuracy of your predictions. If you have used astrological softwares before, upon using Intrepid, you will realize that Intrepid has five new ways of progressions that can not be found in any other software , and are a result the new method of interpretation by Jeffrey.

The software includes a full ACD atlas to help you pinpoint the exact coordinates on earth whenever needed, without any margin for error. The software has 10 house structure to help you predict more accurately and Swiss Ephemeris calculation system too for perfect calculations and real time data from NASA.

Apart from all the regular functions and feature of any astrological software, Intrepid has the ability to create the Super Birth Wheel, which is not available in any popular software. The wheel contains luminaries, north node. Nineteen planetary moons, different planets, six asteroids and 78 midpoints ,which make it one of the main features of the software.

All in all intrepid is a great astrological software for beginners because of its new intuitive design and newer deduction method. Intrepid is recommended for all beginners looking for a new take on astrology, professionals looking for a to the point , simple software can also use Intrepid for all their astrological needs.

Hence these were all the top astrological softwares available out there for download, you can find the one that fits all your needs.

Saurav is associated with IT industry and computers for more than a decade and is writing on The Geek Page on topics revolving on windows 10 and softwares.

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