Beast Total Body Workout Sheet


Keep track of the weights and the reps with the official Body Beast worksheet. Download them here. Body Beast is one of Beachbody’s newest exercise program and it’s sure to be one of the most popular home workouts from Beachbody, competing with the famous P90X and Insanity. Body Beast is a totally different kind of workout and completely different from P90X and Insanity. Body Beast Build Chest & Tris is one of the most intense chest workouts in the Beast's regimen. Check out every move or just download the workout sheet. Let’s beast-up with Total Body!’ This is a workout full of a bunch of moves done twice with 15 reps each. Thus, cardio with weight lifting. Warm-up: This is 1:12 minutes of jogging, arm circles, walk to plank, then a quick jog. It’s quick - simple - it’s a Body Beast warm-up. Mar 08, 2014 Body Beast is one of Beachbody’s newest exercise program and it’s sure to be one of the most popular home workouts from Beachbody, competing with the famous P90X and Insanity. Body Beast is a totally different kind of workout and completely different from P90X and Insanity. Here are the lengths in time of each Body beast workout; BUILD: CHEST/TRICEPS 49 minutes BUILD: SHOULDERS 38 minutes BUILD: LEGS 38 minutes BUILD: BACK/BICEPS 50 minutes BULK: CHEST 30 minutes BULK: BACK 29 minutes BULK: LEGS 40 minutes BULK: SHOULDERS 35 minutes BULK: ARMS 36 minutes BEAST: ABS 11 minutes BEAST: CARDIO 30 minutes BEAST: TOTAL BODY 39 minutes Ready to Get Started With Body.

1 Dumbbell

Body beast workout sheets

Total Body Workout Show

Beast Total Body Workout SheetTotal

Core Strength with Ab Focus

This is a fun little ab routine that generates quite the burn. Plus you get to use a weight, which is omitted from P90X and Insanity’s ab routines. Overall I find this routine in the same league as those and would actually rank it higher than Cardio Abs from Insanity, but still lower than Ab Ripper X from P90X, or Insane Abs from Insanity. I also like that this workout throws in some moves for the back of the core so it really does hit your entire core including, abs, obliques, lower back and hip flexors. You are supposed to be doing this workout following another workout, so there is no warm-up. I would have liked to see a stretch or too at the end though, but I guess you can add your own cobra and child’s pose in before you finsih.

The Exercises
Exercise #1 – Crunch
You do 20 reps of standard crunches with your legs extended in the air at 90 degrees. Make sure to keep your chin up while doing these.

Exercise #2 – Russian Twist
This is a weighted version of the Mason Twists from Ab Ripper X. You get yourself in a C-sit position holding a single weight with your hands together and twist side to bringing the weight near the floor with your obliques, for 20 reps. You can do this with your feet on the floor (easier) or Mason Twist style, with your legs up in the air together (harder).


Exercise #3 – Hip Ups
These are the Pulse Ups or Heels to the Heavens from Ab Ripper X. You lie on the floor with your hands by your side and your legs straight to the sky with your heels facing up. You then push your butt off the ground, and get your heels as high in the sky as you can with your legs straight. Repeat this for 20 reps.

Exercise #4 – Crossed Tuck-In
You are back in the C-sit position with your hands down next to your glutes. Lift your legs off the floor and cross them. Bring your knees into your chest and back out for 20 reps. You can also make it harder by lifting your hands off the floor and opening and closing them during the move (think Crunchy Frogs from P90X, with crossed legs).

Body Beast Total Body Workout Sheet

Exercise #5 – Cobra
This one targets your lower back more than your abs and involves lying on your stomach with your legs extended behind you, and your toes on the floor. Your hands are by your side. For each of the 20 reps you lift your chest and hands off the floor using your lower back (imagine a cobra lifting it head up to spit out its venom).

Exercise #6 – Spiderman Crunch
This move has you in plank position and you alternate bringing the knee of each leg to the elbow on the same side. You do 20 reps on each side for this one.

Exercise #7 – Bucket Drop
This is a slightly harder version of the Spiderman Crunch. Again in plank position you alternate bringing each knee in, but instead of taking it to your shoulder, you turn your body in and twist your knee to the floor near the opposite elbow. Imagine your butt is a bucket being dropped on its side. Again you do 20 reps on each side for this move.

Exercise #8 – One Arm Open Plank
You start in plank position with a weight in one of your hands. You then open up your chest, by turning to the side with the dumbbell, without shifting your feet. Then bring the dumbbell up to your chest and then up into the sky. This is like the second half of the Balance Push-Ups from Chest, Shoulders and Triceps in P90X and requires a good deal of balance to keep from tumbling over. For this move we do 10 reps on one side and then switch and do 10 reps on the other.

Exercise #9 – Windshield Wiper
This one is like the Torso Twists from Yoga Belly 7 in P90X, except instead of holding the pose on one side we move our legs back in forth. To get into this move lie on your back with your arms extended on your side. Then lift your legs together straight into the air with your toes facing the wall behind you and move them side to side while twisting your torso, like they are windshield wipers. We do 20 reps total on this exercise (10 per side).

Body Beast Total Body Workout Sheets

Exercise #10 – Beast Abs
Lying flat on your back in the same position with your arms extended to the side (same position as Windshield Wipers) lift your head up into a crunch position and use your legs to spell BEAST in the air. After that we write TSAEB (beast backwards) in the air and then we are done this workout.