Fallout 4 Weapon Switch Delay

Controls for Fallout 4 are listed here. The are shown for each console as well as PC.

  1. Fallout 4 Weapon Switch Delay Switch
  2. Fallout 4 Weapon Types
  3. Fallout 4 Weapons Wiki


Xbox One Controls

A - Activate

  1. Jul 30, 2017 I don't think this can be fixed, the only advice i found is use pipboy to switch weapons the favorite menu is bugged when switching through weapons and causes the 1-2 seconds delay. I think what is happening is everytime the weapon needs to render you can still move normally just have to wait till the weapon is loaded in your hands.
  2. Like gatherer818 said, you can equip and unequip a weapon manually in your Pip-Boy, or assign it as a favorite. However, there is another, faster way to address your concern of not wasting ammo on pathetic enemies like radroaches. You can melee using your gun, which the game refers to as 'bashing'.
  3. Jan 09, 2016 Quick-Fix Edition (1-8-16) - Fixed the 10mm playing the default draw animation sound. Tired of flicking the switch on the laser rifle, spinning the chamber on the.44, pulling the slide on the Deliverer, the 10mm, EVERY time you draw them, usually when you need them to come out at their quickest?
  4. The Delayed Off Switch is an item you can craft in Fallout 4. It's part of the Decorations type and is used to create.

Switch to a weapon like a shotgun for close encounters; This one is a simple one and mandatory. Weapons like shotguns are very effective whenever opponents are close because of their sp read. If any melee opponents get close, switch to a shotgun. Since enemies move very quickly when close, using other weapons can be risky.

B - Open/Close Pipboy

X - Ready Weapon/Reload Weapon (Hold to sheath/holster)

Y - Jump

Start - Pause

Back - Point of View Toggle

RB - Bash/Power Attack/Grenade (hold)

LB - V.A.T.S.

RT - Attack

Fallout 4 weapon switch delay mod

Fallout 4 Weapon Switch Delay Switch

LB - Aim/Block

LS - Move/Sprint (click)

RS - Look/Sneak (click)

D-Pad - Favorites (A to select Favorite)

PS4 Controls

PC Controls

W - Forward
A - Strafe left
S - Back
D - Strafe right

E - Interact
Q - V.A.T.S
R - Reload (can be used as alternate interact key by some mods)
R hold - Holster weapon
V - 3rd person view
V hold - Workshop (In settlements)
M - Map
I - Inventory
J - Data
O - Radio
K - Quick stats

Shift - Run
Ctrl - Crouch (stealth mode)
Space - Jump
Alt - Melee / power bash
Alt hold - Throw grenade
Caps lock - Toggle always run
Tab - PipBoy
Tab hold - PipBoy light

Left mouse button - Shoot
Right mouse button - Aim / block
Midlle mouse button - POV / workshop toggle

F5 - Quick save
F9 - Quick load

Fallout 4 Weapon Types


ESC - Pause

How to Wait

Fallout 4 Weapons Wiki

Waiting is a little different than in past games where you could select the method via a button press. Now to wait, you must find a piece of furniture that you do NOT own and sit, which will allow you to initiate a wait period.