Rietveld_l 1995 Rietveld Software For Mac


Rietveld_l 1995 Rietveld Software For Mac Osx

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Rietveld_l 1995 rietveld software for mac osx1995

Rietveld 1 Rietveld 2 Mla 21.3 19.2 25.622107 22.6 21.9 00000002. Presentation Summary: Rietveld 1 Rietveld 2 MLA 21.3 19.2 25.622107 22.6 21.9 00000002. Here is my estimate of what a “merge binary” dialog should look like. Fullprof - Software for evaluation of powder and single crystal physics diffraction. Could software perform rietveld and LeBail analysis on physics constant wavelength, energy dispersive software and time of flight physics diffractograms. Has the potential to refine software magnetic structures, physics perform simulated an.

  • record nr. 455357

Rietveld_l 1995 Rietveld Software For Mac Os

Record number455357
TitleA fully adaptive forecasting model for short-term drinking water demand
Author(s)Bakker, M.; Vreeburg, J.H.G.; Schagen, K.M. van; Rietveld, L.C.
SourceEnvironmental Modelling & Software 48 (2013). - ISSN 1364-8152 - p. 141 - 151.
Department(s)Environmental Technology
Refereed Article in a scientific journal
Keyword(s)distribution network - consumption - prediction - operation - systems
For the optimal control of a water supply system, a short-term water demand forecast is necessary. We developed a model that forecasts the water demand for the next 48 h with 15-min time steps. The model uses measured water demands and static calendar data as single input. Based on this input, the model fully adaptively derives day factors and daily demand patterns for the seven days of the week, and for a configurable number of deviant day types. Although not using weather data as input, the model is able to identify occasional extra water demand in the evening during fair weather periods, and to adjust the forecast accordingly. The model was tested on datasets containing six years of water demand data in six different areas in the central and Southern part of Netherlands. The areas have all the same moderate weather conditions, and vary in size from very large (950,000 inhabitants) to small (2400 inhabitants). The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) for the 24-h forecasts varied between 1.44 and 5.12%, and for the 15-min time step forecasts between 3.35 and 10.44%. The model is easy to implement, fully adaptive and accurate, which makes it suitable for application in real time control. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Rietveld_l 1995 rietveld software for mac osx

Rietveld_l 1995 Rietveld Software For Mac Download

People‎ > ‎

Georgia Braliou


Current Position

  • Visiting Lecturerat the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.

Past Positions

  • Visiting Assistant Professor at the Departmentof Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at the Departmentof Medical Laboratories, Scholl of Health Professions, TechnologicalEducational Institute of Larissa
  • Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Schoolof Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly,Larissa


  • 1995-2000: Ph.D in Molecular Biology/Biochemistry,performed at
    • European Molecular BiologyLaboratory, (EMBL), Heidelberg , Germany and
    • Department of MolecularBiology, Facultyof Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics, University of Nijmegen,The Netherlands
  • 1992-1995: Postgraduate Research at the National Hellenic ResearchFoundation (NHRF), Athens
  • 1985-1990: B.Sc. in Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry,University of Athens


My research was focused on the studyof transcriptional regulation of genes involved in oncogenesis, hypoxia, andinherited diseases. Currently, I am interested in geneticepidemiology and I focus on associationstudies of gene polymorphisms with oncogenesis or multifactorial inheriteddiseases.


  • Ciana, P.,Braliou, G.G., Demay, F., von Lindern, M., Barettino, D., Beug, H. andStunnenberg, H. ‘Leukemic transformation by the v-ErbA oncoprotein entailsconstitutive binding to and repression of an erythroid enhancer in vivo. EMBOJournal, 1998, 17 (24), 7382-7394. (The first two authors participated equally)
  • Braliou, G.G., Ciana, P., Klaassen, W Gandrillon, O. and Stunnenberg, H. ‘The v-ErbAoncoprotein quenches the activity of an erythroid-specific enhancer’. Oncogene,2001, 20 (7), 775-787.
  • Braliou, G.G., Venieris, Ε., Kalousi, A., andSimos, G. ‘Reconstitution of human Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF-1) in yeastcells: a simple in vivo system to identify and characterize HIF-1α effectors’.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2006, 346, 1289-1296.
  • Brinkman, A.B., Pennings, S.W.C., Braliou, G.G.,Rietveld, L.E.G and Stunnenberg, H.G. ‘DNA methylation immediately adjacent toactive histone marking does not silence transcription’ Nucleic Acids Research2007, 35, (3), 801–811.
  • Braliou G.G., Verga Falzacappa M.V., Chachami,G., Casanovas G., Muckenthaler M. U., and Simos, G. ‘2-oxoglutarate-dependentoxygenases control hepcidin gene expression’. Journal of Hepatology 2008, 48,801-10. (ΙF: 7,056, C:12)
  • Chachami, G., Paraskeva, E., Mingot, J.M.,Braliou, G.G., Görlich, D., and Simos, G. ‘Transport of hypoxia-induciblefactor HIF-1α into the nucleus involves importins 4 and 7’. Biochemical andBiophysical Research Communications, 2009, 390, 235-240.
  • Braliou GG, Grigoriadou AM, Kontou PI, Bagos PG. The role of genetic polymorphisms of the Renin-Angiotensin System in renal diseases: A meta-analysis. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2014 Jun 11;10(16):1-7 [PDF] [Pubmed] [Google Scholar]
  • Braliou GG, Pantavou KG, Kontou PI, Bagos PG. Polymorphisms of the CD24 Gene Are Associated with Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2015 (in press)
  • Pantavou KG, Braliou GG, Kontou PI, Dimou NL, Bagos PG. A meta-analysis of FZD3genepolymorphisms and theirassociation with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Genetics, 2016 (in press)


(Up to July 2010)

Total (excluding self-citations)citations: = 68


Meanimpact factorperpublication: 6,56